This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Week 10 [Mon, Mar 25th] - Tasks

  1. Submit the quiz


  1. Add individual feature 1
  2. Implement increments Level-9, A-CodingStandard, A-CodeQuality


1 Add individual feature 1

  • Note that a very minimal implementation of the feature is good enough.
  • Steps to find the feature you should implement:
    • First take the last digit of your student number. For example, if your student number is A0123456H, the last digit is 6.
    • Then, find the matching row in the table below. That row gives you three options.
    • You may implement any one of the three options. Click on the link to find details of the feature.

2 Implement increments Level-9, A-CodingStandard, A-CodeQuality

Duke Level-9: Find

Duke A-CodingStandard: Coding Standard

↳ The coding standard to follow is given here -- also given under the Links menu at the top of the course website.

Duke A-CodeQuality: Increase Code Quality

↳ The code quality guidelines to follow are given here.