This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Week 3 [Mon, Jan 29th] - Tasks

  1. Install IntelliJ IDEA before the lecture
  2. Submit weekly exercises


  1. Setup Duke project on your computer during/after the lecture
  2. Implement project increments Level-1, Level-2

1 Install IntelliJ IDEA before the lecture

  • See the panel below:

2 Submit weekly exercises

  • As usual, submit weekly programming exercise.


0 Learn about the project

Duke Overview

1 Setup Duke project on your computer during/after the lecture

  1. Fork The relevant textbook topic is given below for your reference.
    Please retain the repo name duke when forking. If you name your fork as something else, our grading scripts will not be able to find your fork.

  1. Clone the fork onto your computer.

  1. Set up the project in your IDE as explained in the README file.

2 Implement Duke increments Level-0, Level-1, Level-2

  • Take note of our plagiarism policies

  • Implement the following in the given order.
    • Commit code at important points. Minimally, commit after completing each increment.
    • After completing each increment,
      • Tag the commit with the exact increment ID e.g., Level-0, Level-1, Level-2.
      • Push the code to your fork.
    • The relevant textbook topics are:

  • If you encounter issues connecting Sourcetree with your GitHub account, refer to these Sourcetree Tips.
Duke Level-0: Rename, Greet, Exit

Duke Level-1: Echo

Duke Level-2: Add, List