This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Week 7 [Mon, Mar 4th] - Topics

Detailed Table of Contents

Guidance for the item(s) below:

You already know how to define variables in Java code; do you know how to define constants?

[W7.1] Java: Constants



C++ to Java → Miscellaneous Topics → Constants

Can use Java constants

Java does not directly support constants. The convention is to use a static final variable where a constant is needed. The static modifier causes the variable to be available without instantiating an object. The final modifier causes the variable to be unchangeable. Java constants are normally declared in ALL CAPS separated by underscores.

Here is an example of a constant named MAX_BALANCE which can be accessed as Account.MAX_BALANCE.

public class Account{

  public static final double MAX_BALANCE = 1000000.0;


Math.PI is an example constant that comes with Java.

[W7.2] Java: Enumerations



Paradigms → OOP → Classes → Enumerations

Can explain the meaning of enumerations

An Enumeration is a fixed set of values that can be considered as a data type. An enumeration is often useful when using a regular data type such as int or String would allow invalid values to be assigned to a variable.

Suppose you want a variable called priority to store the priority of something. There are only three priority levels: high, medium, and low. You can declare the variable priority as of type int and use only values 2, 1, and 0 to indicate the three priority levels. However, this opens the possibility of an invalid value such as 9 being assigned to it. But if you define an enumeration type called Priority that has three values HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW only, a variable of type Priority will never be assigned an invalid value because the compiler is able to catch such an error.



C++ to Java → Miscellaneous Topics → Enumerations

Can use Java enumerations

You can define an enum type by using the enum keyword. Because they are constants, the names of an enum type's fields are in uppercase letters e.g., FLAG_SUCCESS by convention.

Defining an enumeration to represent days of a week (code to be put in the file):

public enum Day {

Some examples of using the Day enumeration defined above:

Day today = Day.MONDAY;
Day[] holidays = new Day[]{Day.SATURDAY, Day.SUNDAY};

switch (today) {
case SUNDAY:
    System.out.println("It's the weekend");
    System.out.println("It's a week day");

Note that while enumerations are usually a simple set of fixed values, Java enumerations can have behaviors too, as explained in this tutorial from -- Java Tutorial


[Key Exercise] show priority color

Define an enumeration named Priority. Add the missing describe method to the code below so that it produces the output given.

public class Main {

    // Add your method here

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        describe("Red", Priority.HIGH);
        describe("Orange", Priority.MEDIUM);
        describe("Blue", Priority.MEDIUM);
        describe("Green", Priority.LOW);

Red indicates high priority
Orange indicates medium priority
Blue indicates medium priority
Green indicates low priority


[W7.3] Java: varargs : OPTIONAL


C++ to Java → Miscellaneous Topics → Varargs

Guidance for the item(s) below:

Another thing you need to do in your project soon is reading from and writing to files. Let's learn how to do that next.

[W7.4] Java: File Access



C++ to Java → Miscellaneous Topics → File access

Can read/write text files using Java

You can use the class to represent a file object. It can be used to access properties of the file object.

This code creates a File object to represent a file fruits.txt that exists in the data directory relative to the current working directory and uses that object to print some properties of the file.


public class FileClassDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        File f = new File("data/fruits.txt");
        System.out.println("full path: " + f.getAbsolutePath());
        System.out.println("file exists?: " + f.exists());
        System.out.println("is Directory?: " + f.isDirectory());


full path: C:\sample-code\data\fruits.txt
file exists?: true
is Directory?: false

If you use backslash to specify the file path in a Windows computer, you need to use an additional backslash as an escape character because the backslash by itself has a special meaning. e.g., use "data\\fruits.txt", not "data\fruits.txt". Alternatively, you can use forward slash "data/fruits.txt" (even on Windows).

You can read from a file using a Scanner object that uses a File object as the source of data.

This code uses a Scanner object to read (and print) contents of a text file line-by-line:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class FileReadingDemo {

    private static void printFileContents(String filePath) throws FileNotFoundException {
        File f = new File(filePath); // create a File for the given file path
        Scanner s = new Scanner(f); // create a Scanner using the File as the source
        while (s.hasNext()) {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            System.out.println("File not found");


i.e., contents of the data/fruits.txt

5 Apples
3 Bananas
6 Cherries

You can use a object to write to a file.

The writeToFile method below uses a FileWriter object to write to a file. The method is being used to write two lines to the file temp/lines.txt.


public class FileWritingDemo {

    private static void writeToFile(String filePath, String textToAdd) throws IOException {
        FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(filePath);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String file2 = "temp/lines.txt";
        try {
            writeToFile(file2, "first line" + System.lineSeparator() + "second line");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.out.println("Something went wrong: " + e.getMessage());


Contents of the temp/lines.txt:

first line
second line

Note that you need to call the close() method of the FileWriter object for the writing operation to be completed.

You can create a FileWriter object that appends to the file (instead of overwriting the current content) by specifying an additional boolean parameter to the constructor.

The method below appends to the file rather than overwrites.

private static void appendToFile(String filePath, String textToAppend) throws IOException {
    FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(filePath, true); // create a FileWriter in append mode

The java.nio.file.Files is a utility class that provides several useful file operations. It relies on the java.nio.file.Paths file to generate Path objects that represent file paths.

This example uses the Files class to copy a file and delete a file.

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;

public class FilesClassDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
        Files.copy(Paths.get("data/fruits.txt"), Paths.get("temp/fruits2.txt"));


The techniques above are good enough to manipulate simple text files. Note that it is also possible to perform file I/O operations using other classes.

Guidance for the item(s) below:

Having learned class/object diagrams basics, we can now move on to some intermediate CD/OD notations.

But first, try this CD/OD drawing example/exercise (solution provided).

Video [Example] Box, Item, Lid

[W7.5] Class/Object Diagrams: Intermediate



Tools → UML → Notes

Can use UML notes

UML notes can augment UML diagrams with additional information. These notes can be shown connected to a particular element in the diagram or can be shown without a connection. The diagram below shows examples of both.



Tools → UML → Constraints


Design → Modelling → Modelling Structure → Class diagrams - intermediate

Can use intermediate-level class diagrams

A class diagram can also show different types of relationships between classes: inheritance, compositions, aggregations, dependencies.

Modeling inheritance

OOP → Inheritance → What


UML → Class Diagrams → Inheritance → What


Modeling composition

OOP → Associations → Composition


UML → Class Diagrams → Composition → What


Modeling aggregation

OOP → Associations → Aggregation


UML → Class Diagrams → Aggregation → What


Modeling dependencies

OOP → Associations → Dependencies


UML → Class Diagrams → Dependencies → What


A class diagram can also show different types of class-like entities:

Modeling enumerations

OOP → Classes → Enumerations


UML → Class Diagrams → Enumerations → What


Modeling abstract classes

OOP → Inheritance → Abstract Classes


UML → Class Diagrams → Abstract Classes → What


Modeling interfaces

OOP → Inheritance → Interfaces


UML → Class Diagrams → Interfaces → What



Statements about class diagrams

Explain notations in the class diagram

Draw a Class Diagram for the code (StockItem, Inventory, Review, etc.)

Follow up notes for the item(s) above:

Now, you can try these worked examples:

Video Drawing class/object diagrams (intermediate) - Action, Task, History

Video Drawing class/object diagrams (intermediate) - Person, Inbox, Message

Video Drawing class/object diagrams (intermediate) - Person, Project, Task

Guidance for the item(s) below:

As you do projects, you'll have to make design decisions e.g., decide between multiple design alternatives. Let us learn three fundamental design concepts that you can use in those decisions.

It is extremely important for you to know these three because they are like the DNA of every higher-level design concept.

[W7.6] Design: Fundamentals




Design → Introduction → What

Can explain what is software design

Design is the creative process of transforming the problem into a solution; the solution is also called design. -- 📖 Software Engineering Theory and Practice, Shari Lawrence; Atlee, Joanne M. Pfleeger

Software design has two main aspects:

  • Product/external design: designing the external behavior of the product to meet the users' requirements. This is usually done by product designers with input from business analysts, user experience experts, user representatives, etc.
  • Implementation/internal design: designing how the product will be implemented to meet the required external behavior. This is usually done by software architects and software engineers.


Design → Design Fundamentals → Abstraction → What

Can explain abstraction

Abstraction is a technique for dealing with complexity. It works by establishing a level of complexity we are interested in, and suppressing the more complex details below that level.

The guiding principle of abstraction is that only details that are relevant to the current perspective or the task at hand need to be considered. As most programs are written to solve complex problems involving large amounts of intricate details, it is impossible to deal with all these details at the same time. That is where abstraction can help.

Data abstraction: abstracting away the lower level data items and thinking in terms of bigger entities

Within a certain software component, you might deal with a user data type, while ignoring the details contained in the user data item such as name, and date of birth. These details have been ‘abstracted away’ as they do not affect the task of that software component.

Control abstraction: abstracting away details of the actual control flow to focus on tasks at a higher level

print(“Hello”) is an abstraction of the actual output mechanism within the computer.

Abstraction can be applied repeatedly to obtain progressively higher levels of abstraction.

An example of different levels of data abstraction: a File is a data item that is at a higher level than an array and an array is at a higher level than a bit.

An example of different levels of control abstraction: execute(Game) is at a higher level than print(Char) which is at a higher level than an Assembly language instruction MOV.

Abstraction is a general concept that is not limited to just data or control abstractions.

Some more general examples of abstraction:

  • An OOP class is an abstraction over related data and behaviors.
  • An architecture is a higher-level abstraction of the design of a software.
  • Models (e.g., UML models) are abstractions of some aspect of reality.



Design → Design Fundamentals → Coupling → What

Can explain coupling

Coupling is a measure of the degree of dependence between components, classes, methods, etc. Low coupling indicates that a component is less dependent on other components. High coupling (aka tight coupling or strong coupling) is discouraged due to the following disadvantages:

  • Maintenance is harder because a change in one module could cause changes in other modules coupled to it (i.e. a ripple effect).
  • Integration is harder because multiple components coupled with each other have to be integrated at the same time.
  • Testing and reuse of the module is harder due to its dependence on other modules.

In the example below, design A appears to have more coupling between the components than design B.


Coupling levels of alternative designs

Regressions and coupling

Coupling and testability

Statements about coupling


Design → Design Fundamentals → Coupling → How

Can reduce coupling

X is coupled to Y if a change to Y can potentially require a change in X.

If the Foo class calls the method Bar#read(), Foo is coupled to Bar because a change to Bar can potentially (but not always) require a change in the Foo class e.g. if the signature of Bar#read() is changed, Foo needs to change as well, but a change to the Bar#write() method may not require a change in the Foo class because Foo does not call Bar#write().

code for the above example

Some examples of coupling: A is coupled to B if,

  • A has access to the internal structure of B (this results in a very high level of coupling)
  • A and B depend on the same global variable
  • A calls B
  • A receives an object of B as a parameter or a return value
  • A inherits from B
  • A and B are required to follow the same data format or communication protocol


Which indicate coupling?


Design → Design Fundamentals → Coupling → Types of coupling



Design → Design Fundamentals → Cohesion → What

Can explain cohesion

Cohesion is a measure of how strongly-related and focused the various responsibilities of a component are. A highly-cohesive component keeps related functionalities together while keeping out all other unrelated things.

Higher cohesion is better. Disadvantages of low cohesion (aka weak cohesion):

  • Lowers the understandability of modules as it is difficult to express module functionalities at a higher level.
  • Lowers maintainability because a module can be modified due to unrelated causes (reason: the module contains code unrelated to each other) or many modules may need to be modified to achieve a small change in behavior (reason: because the code related to that change is not localized to a single module).
  • Lowers reusability of modules because they do not represent logical units of functionality.


Design → Design Fundamentals → Cohesion → How

Can increase cohesion

Cohesion can be present in many forms. Some examples:

  • Code related to a single concept is kept together, e.g. the Student component handles everything related to students.
  • Code that is invoked close together in time is kept together, e.g. all code related to initializing the system is kept together.
  • Code that manipulates the same data structure is kept together, e.g. the GameArchive component handles everything related to the storage and retrieval of game sessions.

Suppose a Payroll application contains a class that deals with writing data to the database. If the class includes some code to show an error dialog to the user if the database is unreachable, that class is not cohesive because it seems to be interacting with the user as well as the database.


Which class is more cohesive?

[W7.7] SDLC Process Models


Project Management → SDLC Process Models → Introduction → What

Can explain SDLC process models

Software development goes through different stages such as requirements, analysis, design, implementation and testing. These stages are collectively known as the software development lifecycle (SDLC). There are several approaches, known as software development lifecycle models (also called software process models), that describe different ways to go through the SDLC. Each process model prescribes a 'roadmap' for the software developers to manage the development effort. The roadmap describes the aims of the development stages, the outcome of each stage, and the workflow i.e. the relationship between stages.


Project Management → SDLC Process Models → Introduction → Sequential models

Can explain sequential process models

The sequential model, also called the waterfall model, views software development as a linear process, in which the project is seen as progressing through the development stages. The name waterfall stems from how the model is drawn to look like a waterfall (see below).

When one stage of the process is completed, it produces some artifacts to be used in the next stage. For example, the requirements stage produces a comprehensive list of requirements, to be used in the design phase.

A strict sequential model project moves only in the forward direction i.e., each stage is completed before starting the next. For example, once the requirements stage is over, there is no provision for revising the requirements later.

This model can work well for a project that produces software to solve a well-understood problem, in which case the requirements can remain stable and the effort can be estimated accurately. Furthermore, as each stage has a well-defined outcome, it is easy to track the progress of the project because one can gauge the project progress by monitoring which stage the project is in.

However, real-world projects often tackle problems that are not well-understood at the beginning, making them unsuitable for this model. For example, target users of a software product may not be able to state their requirements accurately at the start of the project, if they have not used a similar product before.


Project Management → SDLC Process Models → Introduction → Iterative models

Can explain iterative process models

The iterative model advocates producing the software by going through several iterations. Each of the iterations could potentially go through all the stages of the SDLC, from requirements gathering to deployment.

Each iteration produces a new version of the product, building upon the version produced in the previous iteration. Feedback from each iteration is factored into the subsequent iterations. For example, if an implementation task took longer than expected, the effort estimate for a similar tasks in future iterations can be adjusted accordingly. Similarly, if a feature introduced in the current iteration was not well-received by target users, it can be removed or tweaked in the next iteration.

The iterative model can be done in breadth-first or depth-first approach.

  • In the breadth-first approach, an iteration evolves all major components and all functionality areas in parallel i.e., most features and most will be updated in each iteration, producing a working product at the end of each iteration.
  • In the depth-first approach, an iteration focuses on fleshing out only some components or some functionality area. Accordingly, early depth-first iterations might not produce a working product.

Taking a Minesweeper game as an example,

  • breadth-first iterations will deliver a fully playable version early. These early versions may have primitive functionality, for example, a rudimentary text based UI, fixed board size, limited minefield layouts, etc. These functionalities (and corresponding components) will then be improved in later releases.
  • an early depth-first iteration could deliver the full user interface (UI) but with no game logic at all. Alternatively, an early iteration could focus on just the logic for generating initial layouts of the minefield. Neither will be a playable version of the game but both can be used to collect early feedback (about the UI, and the initial minefield layouts, respectively) which can then be used to guide later iterations.

A project can be done as a mixture of breadth-first and depth-first iterations i.e., an iteration can contain some breadth-first work as well as some depth-first work, or, some iterations can be breadth-first while others are depth-first.


Project Management → SDLC Process Models → Introduction → Agile models

Can explain agile process models

In 2001, a group of prominent software engineering practitioners met and brainstormed for an alternative to documentation-driven, heavyweight software development processes that were used in most large projects at the time. This resulted in something called the agile manifesto (a vision statement of what they were looking to do).

You are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it.

Through this work you have come to value:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, you value the items on the left more.
-- Extract from the Agile Manifesto

Subsequently, some of the signatories of the manifesto went on to create process models that try to follow it. These processes are collectively called agile processes. Some of the key features of agile approaches are:

  • Requirements are prioritized based on the needs of the user, are clarified regularly (at times almost on a daily basis) with the entire project team, and are factored into the development schedule as appropriate.
  • Instead of doing a very elaborate and detailed design and a project plan for the whole project, the team works based on a rough project plan and a high level design that evolves as the project goes on.
  • There is a strong emphasis on complete transparency and responsibility sharing among the team members. The team is responsible together for the delivery of the product. Team members are accountable, and regularly and openly share progress with each other and with the user.

There are a number of agile processes in the development world today. eXtreme Programming (XP) and Scrum are two of the well-known ones.


Statements about agile processes


Project Management → SDLC Process Models → Scrum


Project Management → SDLC Process Models → XP


Project Management → SDLC Process Models → Unified process


Project Management → SDLC Process Models → CMMI


Project Management → SDLC Process Models → Recap